Why are musical metaphors beautiful? →
They say you cannot compare apples with oranges. But, metaphors identify the similarities, instead of differences, between two unlike things. Beautiful isn't? Metaphors make complex concepts sound easier so that we can relate.
In music, metaphors help listeners identify with the lyricists' emotions. They help us imagine and visualize abstract concepts as a concrete image.
Here's a Kannada original song sung by Sunil Koshy of From Mug to Mike and I. The picture in this post is what came to my mind when I listened to the song below:
Did you listen to the song? What is the image that came to your mind? Is it something similar to the one above? Do share your thoughts.
Even though they aren't true, metaphors are decision points to differentiate between amateurs and professionals.
“A metaphor takes what we know and uses it as a lever to understand something else. And the only way we can do that is by starting with the true thing and then twisting it into a new thing, a thing we’ll be able to also understand.
The difference between the successful professional and the struggling amateur can often be seen in their respective facility with metaphor. The amateur struggles to accept that metaphor is even acceptable (“are atoms actually building blocks?”) or can’t find the powerful analogy needed to bring home the concept. Because all metaphors aren’t actually true, it takes confidence to use them well.
If you’re having trouble understanding a disconnect, or are seeking to explain why something works or doesn’t, begin with a metaphor. “Why is this new thing a lot like that understood thing...”
Metaphors aren’t true, but they work.”
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