Sou's Voice

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Why music is something we need?

More often than not, we tend to look for meanings in lyrics of the song. Many vocalists, before they perform, tend to explain what they are singing about and then sing. However, music’s calming effect is felt not by understanding but by the tonal effect. Alain de Botton explains this using lullaby and the story of Cerberus from Greek mythology as an example. 

That’s why music is something we need and not merely a want. 

The tonal effect of music is not just felt by babies and human beings, in general, but, is also, felt by dogs. The calm yet assertive tone of the master makes dogs listen to him. That’s one reason we shouldn’t yell and shout on top of our voices to get our point across. We must control our tone yet be assertive when we want to communicate our point across to someone. That’s another takeaway from music.

Check out related blog posts below:

How do musicians process grief in the modern era? 

What is music for? 

The consolations of music


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